There are Many Reasons for Homelessness

Several months ago I attended a Sunnyvale Chamber of Commerce-arranged meeting with Downtown Streets Team (DST) to learn about their business. I was impressed!  DST provides a practical approach to helping the homeless take charge of their lives by providing supportive services, helping them find jobs, and helping them find a place to live.  Tha... Read more ›
Categories: Uncategorized

October 26, 2018

Halloween Special

Often I get asked “What should I do with all my photos?”  Here’s an idea for a great gift.  Collect all the photos of the kids through the years in their Ha... Read more ›

An Example of How Video has Shortened One Company’s Sales Cycle by 44%

Converting More Customers and Decreasing Sales Cycle Length By 44%

People generally want to know what is the ROI of using video for their business. Here is another way of looking at the advantage of using video. Brightcove has written an article describing how video has shortened one company’s sales cycle by 44% They utilized 300 of... Read more ›

Everybody has a story

How many times have you passed a homeless person on the street and tried to avoid looking at them, or crossed to the other side to not have to be near them?  Did you think “Why don’t they get a job?”  Did you even wonder how they got to that place? There are lots of reasons for homelessness.  They include job loss, drugs or alcohol use, argum... Read more ›
Categories: Memories, Photo Stuff

Tags: digitize your photos, old photos

July 6, 2017

How do I organize my photos?

How many times have I heard “I’ve got boxes of old photos. I’ve got to organize them and I don’t know where to start.” When people tell me this I envision them thinking that they have to organize them by some scheme, i.e. all of parents photos, then organize by date. Next, organize all of siblings photos by year, and possibly by sibling. Just... Read more ›