Everybody has a story

How many times have you passed a homeless person on the street and tried to avoid looking at them, or crossed to the other side to not have to be near them?  Did you think “Why don’t they get a job?”  Did you even wonder how they got to that place? There are lots of reasons for homelessness.  They include job loss, drugs or alcohol use, argum... Read more ›

An infographic to help you Create a Family Legacy Video Your Family Will Love

“As a mobile videographer, Judy Blair, owner of Keepsake Pix, helps families tell their stories and preserve their legacy for younger generations. Scrapbooks of photos become meaningless if no one remembers the family stories that are tied to those photos. Family legacy videos keep those stories–funny, silly or sentimental–alive for the youngest... Read more ›

Planting Seeds

I’ve been pondering the results of my day at the Senior Resource Fair earlier this week. It seems the majority of my activity during the day was planting seeds–talking to people who visited my table about family legacy movies and how important they are to help families preserve and remember special family memories as well as family history. ... Read more ›
Categories: Family Heritage, Family Legacy, Movies

December 3, 2012

Sample Family Legacy Movie

This family legacy movie was created in stages. We first converted an old VHS tape to DVD. Next we recorded Meredith talking to her family explaining what was in the movie, describing some of the history of San Jose and pointing out family members in their younger years. Then we put it all together! As you can tell from the movie Meredith is tal... Read more ›
Categories: Family Heritage, Fun with video, Movies

August 11, 2012

I’m visiting my Mom and want to take video of her. What should I do?

A friend recently told me: “My Mom is getting up in years and I don’t have any videos of her. I was so inspired by my conversations with you about family legacy movies I went out and bought a small video camera to take on my vacation to visit her. Now what?” So, I gave her a few tips. 1. First, use a tripod for your camera, or set it on a ... Read more ›