Mobile Videographer Judy Blair Hits No. 1 on Amazon Best Seller Lists

Shortly after releasing Creating Family Legacy Movies: Treasure Your Memories, Judy Blair’s book hit #1 for multiple categories on Amazon’s best seller list.

The book received the #1 ranking in Amazon’s “Cinematography” category and “Arts & Photography” category in the United States on Friday, May 15, 2015.  The new book also got other rankings on Amazon’s best seller lists.

Judy Blair, founder of KeepsakePix, is a mobile videographer in the Silicon Valley in California who specializes in helping families create family legacy movies so they may pass their histories, stories, and memories on to future generations.

According to a recent survey, 86% of baby boomers and 74% of Americans age 72 and older believe that documenting family history is a high priority in passing on stories to their younger generations. As people age, passing on family legacy becomes increasingly important.

In her book, Judy covers several important topics related to family legacy movies, including:

The best ways to preserve photos long-term
How to pick which photos to use in a family legacy movie project
How to decide what the subject of the movie should be
How to prepare for the video recording session
How to gather, preserve, and use existing video footage

Read entire press release here.

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